Saturday, September 1, 2007

Welcome to my blog!!

My cousin Delaney inspired me to make my own blog. Here is a video to show how cool my cousin Delaney is. Thanks for inspiring me!!


Madelyn said...

Awesome, Bradley!!! We can't wait to see what's going on in your life! Please keep posting! By the way, GREAT pics! We love and miss you, Bud!

Aunt G

Madelyn said...

I love your blog! The music video of us is very funny. Did you see Maddy playing the whistle?

From, Delaney

suse said...
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suse said...

Great blog, Bradley. I dreamed about you last night. You were at my dentist's office and you said your dad was opening up his own business in Baton Rouge! Isn't that funny?

How's your swimming? I'm swimming 1 mile to 1.25 miles almost everyday for exercise!

Love you - keep posting!

Aunt Susan

Michelle said...
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